Why Stupid People Rule the World

It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect.  In a nutshell, stupid people are too stupid to realize they are stupid.  Smart people can see how complex and confusing the universe really is, they know that they can’t know everything.

So, when arguing politics, stupid people argue with absolute conviction.  They have no doubt in their minds that they are right.  Big government is evil, but war is necessary because America must be strong.  Anyone who is anti-war must be unpatriotic.  Being unpatriotic is bad.  Liberals are against war, and for big government.  Liberals are unpatriotic.

He Thinks He's Smart

And try as you might, you just cannot convince them they are wrong.  Because they are too stupid to understand that they don’t understand.  They think Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck are smart.  They think Sarah Palin is smart.  Anybody smarter than that just can’t be trusted.

I’m not sure what the solution to this dilemma is.  Stupid people vote.  It wouldn’t be fair to deny them the right to vote.  After all, stupid as they are, they’ve got just as much stake in the future of the planet and human civilization as smart people do.  And they vote in droves because they are sure they understand the situation and they are sure they are right.  They know for a fact that lower taxes on the rich will create jobs, even though they never do.  They knew for sure that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and some of them still believe it.  They know for sure that global warming is a hoax.  Forget all those smarty pants scientists.  They know that Republicans are the party of family values and no amount of scandals with underaged boys, prostitutes or boy prostitutes will convince them otherwise.

I guess that writers just have to keep on writing, scientists keep on discovering and inventors keep on inventing.  Because as far as politics are concerned, we are screwed.


Filed under Blogs' Archive

35 responses to “Why Stupid People Rule the World

  1. jean

    I think a lot of those ‘stupid’ people actually know the truth, they just have delusions of grandeur, or delusions of entitlement that drive them to insist on having their own, greedy way. They also just plain don’t care about anyone but themselves and they feel they have the right to eliminate their enemies because they are ‘evil’….education is needed.

  2. Detergent

    You forget that you write as if you possess the absolute truth. How do you know you’re right? You talk that stupid people can see their own stupidity, but you miss that same attribute as well. If you really support the idea that the universe is complex, how can you claim that your view of stupidity is the absolute truth about what stupid is. You write with the same conviction as those stupid people are claiming their truths. We’re all individuals, thus their is a chance that somebody like you find my reply stupid, but at least I don’t claim that my view is superior to someone else’s. If you truly support democracy (I assume you do) than you should see that differences in opinion should exist. Do you see where I am going at?

    • woody

      The only point you made is that the circle of relativity is obviously never-ending nonsense. The standards of this planet must be reinforced survival of the fittest has been ruled out by people like you. You tried real hard to sound intelligent and just came out with “well you.. you… your dumb!” you’re obviously one of the idiots. You were subconsciously offended, you knew deep down that you were just as stupid as the next but had to try and defend yourself. Thank you, you just gave everyone here a great demonstration of staunch idiocracy. THOSE WHO KNOW..KNOW. THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW DON’T KNOW ANYTHING! This was not meant to attack or offend, just support the truth of whoever wrote this article. I don’t know who they are. Without genocide writing is our only chance of getting our country back.

      • Ronaldo

        Yeahhhh … I think Detergent has a good point. And Woody … well Woody is a good example. One thing that often leads to “stupidity” is this insistence of “I’M RIGHT AND THEY ARE WRONG!” The need to be right blinds one’s ability to observe and discern truths. When you’ve already decided such things without full observation and taken a hard stance for one “side” (e.g., “The Democrats are right!”), then you’ve become part of the problem. And what’s behind this need to be right or ignorantly beat a drum for one side? My guess is insecurity. In my observation, when one is secure enough in himself and his own judgment, then he can easily state the truth of “I don’t know.” or change his mind based on new data and he does not have to vilify and insult someone who has an opposite opinion.

      • Wise

        Your worst than Hitlar.

    • Preserver

      Ur right but it is obvious that this was rote with a bias. I know also some people are so stupid to think that my using Ur instead of your means I’m stupid. It’s not being smart that separates us from them, it’s being wise. We know to investigate all angles and we each follow our heart. That is what forms our political bases. I could just as equally say that stupid people believe that having your right to bare arms taken away will increase there safety. Also that stupid people believe that there is nothing wrong about same sex couples. Finally that stupid people believe they are stupid. Because anyone with eyes and years contain knowledge that you may not know, doesn’t that make you stupid.

      • Bob

        I see that the ultra-stupid still don’t know the difference between the words “your” – possessive – and you’re – you are…which is actually why the really stupid play it safe and use “ur”.

    • bob

      Stupidity is rigid – pointing out the rigidity and self-evidence of stupidity is not stupid unless you’re looking at a mirror. And think the mirror isn’t actually you.

  3. Casey

    Elitist and pompous. The world simply mirrors back for you what you want to see. You are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Isn’t this your description of the stupid people who are too narrow minded to see any other point of view?

    • Anonymous

      I actually think were all stupid for letting the world get to this point. Whats real intresting is how no mater what you say about anything in a blog everyone who reads it has some apposing smart ass remark. Hope you enjoyed my drunken rant. Please coment further too, we all know you have nothing beter to do. Plus I want someone else to sum up my entire being with a few words I wrote to entertain myself.

    • Anonymous




  5. I can’t believe the replies I read regarding the initial article. Why do stupid people take offense at being called stupid? I don’t know. They want some credit. They want some dignity. But, fuck em’, they are stupid ignorant bastards and I’m not gonna lose any sleep over them and their “beliefs”.

  6. Reuben

    Why would liberals think Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin are smart? Those three are conservatives.

    • Charles

      No, they are not conservative, they are reactionary. Look up the definitions of those words. There is nothing cautious or traditional about what they say or do.

  7. Joe

    This post is nice, but pretty ironic.
    You say stupid people rule the world because they dont realize how stupid they are and, thus, blindly follow their beliefs (in this case political). They cannot stop and take a moment to think seriously, and come to the humbling conclusion that they may not know what the “right” thing to do is.
    So they can’t be argued with, and are unable to, as you put it, “see how complex and confusing the universe really is.”
    Yet you take no pause in your own beliefs and ideas. From your post, it would seem that CLEARLY the democrats are right and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. You seem (at least from your viewpoints within this post) to be just as blindly following your beliefs as the “stupid” people you bash. See the irony?
    It’s easy to disregard people with opposing views as stupid. People get emotional discussing politics, and no one likes to be “wrong,” but a TRULY smart person will set aside his pride. He will listen to logical arguements because he values the truth more than he values “being right.”
    I’m not saying that you have to listen to every crazy republican out there. Or that you can’t be passionate about your own beliefs, and stand up for them. I just believe that we all should have a reasonable amount of skepticism, in ourselves and others, to prevent us from becoming blinded and “stupid.” For we all may very well harbor such ingrained, dogmatic, and blinding biases (myself included).
    So I ask, How are you so sure of your beliefs? Could they, even remotely, be flawed?
    Btw, I am a libertarian, so I don’t think you are completely wrong, just half correct. 🙂

  8. Jen Nilsen

    If you plan on getting old, you should prepare to be non-existent. Believing that what you think matters is relative. Our culture has created a system where you don’t actually matter. You will be one of them at some point. People just die. I, personally, would rather die strong than weak. The one thing that is real, is that you die.

  9. Sean William

    I agree with the article. Most of the responses contain alot of meaningless words, my opinion.

  10. Kenny720

    To the writer of the article, you too are stupid. Sorry.

    • bongstar420

      LOL. A dumb writer who writes about how dumb people are too dumb to realize they are dumb get criticized as dumb by a random person who is likely dumb because the odds are not in the commenters favor.

  11. Anonymous

    Why Stupid People Rule the World
    It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. In a nutshell, stupid people are too stupid to realize they are stupid. Smart people can see how complex and confusing the universe really is, they know that they can’t know everything.
    So, when arguing politics, stupid people argue with absolute conviction. They have no doubt in their minds that they are right. individualism is evil, but social equality is necessary because America must have equal outcomes. Anyone who is individualistic must be a racist. Being an individual is bad. Conservatives are for free enterprise, and for being an individual. Conservatives are racist.

    He Thinks He’s Smart
    And try as you might, you just cannot convince them they are wrong. Because they are too stupid to understand that they don’t understand. They think Rachelle Maddow and Chris Haynes are smart. They think Barrak Obama is smart. Anybody smarter than that just can’t be trusted.
    I’m not sure what the solution to this dilemma is. Stupid people vote. It wouldn’t be fair to deny them the right to vote. After all, stupid as they are, they’ve got just as much stake in the future of the planet and human civilization as smart people do. And they vote in droves because they are sure they understand the situation and they are sure they are right. They know for a fact that higher taxes on the rich will create jobs, even though they never do. They knew for sure that Bush lied that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and some of them still believe it. They know for sure that global warming is a true. Forget all those smarty pants scientists. They know that Democrats are the party of women and no amount of scandals with sexual harassment of women will convince them otherwise.
    I guess that writers just have to keep on writing, scientists keep on discovering and inventors keep on inventing. Because as far as politics are concerned, we are screwed.

    • bongstar420

      Nope. WE need an IQ and knowledge test to legally have a certain quantity of wealth.

      Otherwise, women will keep having sex with dumb men who have stuff and call it smart.

  12. Gorg

    OMG—- really?? Some of you are identifying as the “stupid” people? And firing back?? Really!!???? Author is a genius– setting a self fulfilling prophecy trap.. And KNEW you would be caught!!! ” UHH how dew u no yer knot tha stooped won?” PRICELESs

    • bongstar420

      Most people are stupid….even if they don’t identify as such.

      This is the problem with the trannies. Your identity isn’t the same as what you actually are

  13. I Lack Cognition

    There is one brief statement that sums up my feelings about this article:



  14. you really suck

    you people do realize the red neck in the picture holding the sign about “morans” is talking about MORAN. do your research please.

    people who laugh at “stupid people” are pretty stupid themselves.

    oh, nevermind, investigating things online is too much work for most.

    i am mistaken, go about your business… heh, which is standing in the unemployment line.

  15. terry camp

    And you think you are smart because you want more debt, more government and half of the country paying for your government job, welfare or free stuff.
    ALL politician’s are lie. They steal money (they say borrow money so you feel better but never pay down the debt and pass that to everyone’s children to pay back) and we vote for the biggest theft. America look in the mirror and realize any politician that promises free stuff is a theft and they are there because they reflect your values. THEFT & ENVY. SOCIALIST VALUE’S.

    • bongstar420

      Its not possible to effect proper change when the wealth is held by unqualified people like your self.

      Tell you what. We don’t have to go socialist, but you don’t get any circumstantial benefit that is afforded equally to all. That means no wealth you didn’t personally earn that isn’t open for bib by all and proportionally distributed.

  16. Sharon

    “Folks are dumb where I come from, they don’t have any learning.” So sang Doris Day in “Doing What Comes Naturally.” The only way I can explain why the superficial and the foolish exist is to give those with intelligence something to write about. Too bad stupidity seems to be contagious. Most people have nothing to say nowadays and trying to keep up makes me tired.

  17. Anonymous

    I’m the dumbest dumb-ass on earth. at least I’m good at something.

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