The Dysfunctional Campaign of Anthony Weiner

Today was sort of a lazy  day, a vacation within the vacation.  After a walk into town for shopping, which is  a totally mundane activity but interesting when  you’re in a foreign country,  and a brief swim in the morning, I let Helena take the kids to a water park in the afternoon and I just stayed in to take a nap, browse the internet, and do sweet bugger all.

So, today’s blog will be  about the funniest, if not the most newsworthy, item in the news: the continuing saga of Anthony Shlong. (because just writing weiner, weiner, weiner isn’t all that funny after a while)  He’s still adamant that he’s staying in the race and his wife is standing by  him, although this may be hurting her and, by extension, Hillary Clinton, so that’s one more reason for him to drop out, but he’s being an asshole and I’m starting to think it might work for him.  Sometimes the biggest asshole wins.

Anyway, a staffer named Olivia Nuzzi quit recently and went and talked to the newspapers and said that the only reason anybody worked for El Shlongo was to get close to his  wife, Huma Abedin,  whose name I won’t try  to make funny anagrams out of because, so far, she’s pretty much the only  blameless person in this whole mess.  They want to get close to Huma, of course, because Huma is tight with Hillary.

Potty mouthed bitch from hell Barbara Morgan and her boss, Tony Penis.

Potty mouthed bitch from hell Barbara Morgan and her boss, Tony Penis.

This really is no big deal, it’s no surprise to anybody that top political staffers  are self-serving, social climbing weasels.  It would already be yesterday’s news by  now, literally, except that Barbara Morgan, Shlongo’s Communication’s Director, was talking to a reporter and went nutso on Nuzzi.  She called her a slutbag and a fucking twat and a  cunt and said she sucked at her job and said “she’ll never work in this town again” which is almost always a hollow threat.

Since she was talking to a reporter, of course the tirade got reported.  Morgan said she didn’t realize it  was  on the record.  As has been the case in thousands of political incidents over the years, she is  either stupid or she is lying.

My guess is lying.  Weiner hasn’t fired her, so  it looks like they’re going for the old “Fuck You” strategy, which just might work, because New Yorkers sort of  identify  with that attitude.

2nd place is good enough to make it into a  runoff, and maybe he figures he can take Christine Quinn in a  one-to-one.

The shame is, that might lead to another Republican mayor for New York City.  If Democrats continue to back Anthony Weiner, that’s what they might get and it will be their own damned fault.

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