Sad Baboons

Well,  this was in the news today and, as my long term readers may have noticed, I love all stories about apes and how smart they are.

Turning their backs all at once to express dissatisfaction is not just an indicator of intelligence, it is also a sign of a desire to communicate,  and a fair bit of social  organization.

Baboons at Emmen Dierenpark Zoo

Baboons at Emmen Dierenpark Zoo

None of this, by itself, is staggering.  All  apes live in groups and have some level of social organization.  Meerkats have social organization.   Heck, Honeybees and Ants have social organization.  Also, lots of animals who are way less intelligent than apes make the effort to communicate with human  beings.  When  a dog picks up  his leash in his mouth and stands by the door and whines, he is communicating.

But this is more.  The Baboons at that zoo are trying to say something, trying to tell the humans something that they have been missing, and the humans should listen.  First, because there may  be something seriously, critically wrong.  A snake is  in  their pen.  Someone is sneaking into  the zoo at night.  There is a structural  flaw in  their  building.  They saw someone in the crowd who  they  know and don’t like.

Or, as some have suggested, maybe they  are protesting being held in a zoo or they are  striking for better conditions. If so, that puts our whole relationship with  them in a new light.

How can we find out, though?  Despite many experiments, and the occasional great ape learning a few words of sign language,  we don’t really have the ability to communicate with them  on a high enough  level to say “What’s wrong?” and expect them to  give us an  answer.

Maybe now is the time, though.  All previous experiments in  communicating with the great apes has consisted of human beings trying to teach them things.  Maybe it’s time we started listening, trying to learn.


This is our last night in Slovakia.  Tomorrow we start the drive home and we will be back in Prague on  Sunday.  It has been a wonderful and amazing trip.  I highly recommend Slovakia as a travel destination.

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