Water Solves Everything

Back in the Czech Republic after a long, hot drive, during which tempers got a bit frayed.  There was an article the other day on HP about the connection between global warming and increases in violence and I thought (and it was the general consensus in the comments) well, duh, temperature, temper, it’s why we refer to some people as hotheads and say others are cool as a cucumber, it’s why so many of the world’s problems are centered in the Middle East, it’s like a big, outdoor oven with no escape down there and there are a lot of people wandering around in the desert whose potatoes have just plain been baking for too long, it also explains a lot of biblical folklore, seriously, sunshine is nice in small doses but too much will drive you crazier than a frog in a frying pan.

The Solution to Everything

The Solution to Everything

The solution, of course, is more water.  We need more ponds, more lakes, more canals, more swimming pools and fountains, both for drinking and for looking at and soaking your head in.  Desalinization, neighborhoods like Venice, California sprinkled all around the coastlines of the world, leading to great, artificial inland seas and commercial fish ponds.  Hunger, solved.  Housing, solved.  Lack of recreational space and people going crazy from too much heat and wanting to kill each other, solved.

Anyway, we are now at the cottage, it’s my Mother-in-law’s birthday (I don’t know if it’s exactly today, but we had cake- nobody in this country is worried about celebrating birthday’s on the exact date, nearest weekend or two is just fine) and so Helena’s sister’s family is here, too, it’s a kid fest and they’re all running around in their underwear or less, as soon as we got here we jumped into the “pool,” one of those above ground, inflatable kind, it’s not quite big enough for swimming but we sure managed to fit in a lot of people and suddenly, all was right with the world again.

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