Hillary, the Totally Futile War on Drugs, Steroids in Baseball and WTF is Up With Justin Bieber?

No real main topic leaps to mind tonight, so a little bit about a lot of things.

Republicans are all upset because NBC and CNN are apparently airing some film about the life of Hillary Clinton.  They threatened not to let NBC and CNN in on the Republican debates.  O.K. by me.  If nobody watches their debates, America wins.  We can always catch the funny bits on YouTube.

He's Like Two Hillary Clintons

He’s Like Two Hillary Clintons

On the other hand, if what they want is equal time, let them have it.  A full length movie about Santorum should be good for a few laughs, and Bacon King Chris Christie could totally dominate the big screen.  Give them as much, or as little, air time as they desire.  They’ve got nothing. *******************************************************************************

It turns out the reason the NSA is monitoring every phone call and e-mail in America is all about busting people for marijuana.  It won’t work.  There are hundreds of millions of text messages every day saying “Hey, dude, can I get 5 grams of chocolate LOL” and the hall monitors of America’s bad streets know full well it’s not about chocolate but what can they do?  They can’t bust everybody.  People are going to keep smoking pot because we are hardwired for it, there are cannabanid receptors in the brain and, besides that, getting high is lots of fun.


So, the Baseball Commission has decided that a whole bunch of players should be banned for a year or so for doing too many steroids, thus making the world’s most boring sport even more boring.  It’s kind of like the Republicans being upset about the Hillary movie.  Ban them all and I’m O.K. with that.  Let them all play and I’m O.K. with that.  Soon, there will be teams of robots playing against each other and the whole steroid thing will be moot.


Justin Bieber is definitely going down a bad road.  I defended him after the Anne Frank House incident because he at least visited Anne Frank House, which is more than I did when I was in Amsterdam, and I’ve been there lots of times.  But, lately, he’s totally out of control.  Spitting on your fans from a balcony isn’t cool, dude.  Sure, we all pulled shit like that in our youth, if by youth you mean 4th grade.  And going to a bar, which is where people go to have a good time, and having your bodyguards act like assholes and beat whole bunches of people up because they  got into your personal space is messed up.

If fame is not making you happy, stop being famous.  Dye your hair, use a different name, and go spend a couple of years in India or wherever.  Others will gladly take your place in the spotlight.

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