Shelly Miscavige Update

Shelly Miscavige, wife of the head of Scientology and friend to many rich and famous people, has not been seen in public since 2007, when she put in an appearance at her father’s funeral.

That is kind of weird, because her husband has been seen in public plenty.

Probably Alive, at Least

Shelly Miscavige – Probably Alive, at Least

Anyway, actress Leah Rimini, who said she got a shitload of abuse from fellow scientologists because she dared to ask the question “Where’s Shelly?” at Cruise’s wedding to Katie Holmes, filed a missing person’s report with the Los Angeles Police Department a month or so ago, after she finally got  out of the cult.

It is sort of weird that she wasn’t at the wedding.  Her husband is perhap’s Tom’s closest friend, and some sources with inside knowledge of Scientology say that Shelly was the one who chose Holmes to be Cruise’s wife, a part for which several women auditioned.

I also find it weird that Rimini, and everybody else who knew Miscavige (Penelope Cruz, Kirstie Alley, John Travolta) hadn’t filed a missing person’s report before that.

But, that’s past.  The LAPD says they have investigated, Shelly is alive and well and, apparently, just being really anti-social.  Like Howard Hughes.

If I were a less suspicious, conspiracy theory prone individual, that would be enough for me.  But, I’m not.  I wonder how the police knew they were really talking to Miscavige and not an actress hired to play Miscavige.  Had they met her before?  (I’d be a lot happier if Katie Holmes, or Leah Rimini, for that matter, were to say they’d seen her and talked to her)  How could they be sure she wasn’t being held against her will?  That would be hard for her husband to pull off when the police were actually there, but  battered women lie to police all the time.

I hope the cops are right, that everything is O.K., she’s fine, she’s just become a recluse.  But it looks to me like David Miscavige is maybe a little bit like Ariel Castro would have been, with a lot more money and a little bit more brains.

There’s a lot more information at this blog.

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