A Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day today, and I hope all the people who were complaining in the last week of August that Summer had ended too early because we had a few cool and cloudy days were properly appreciative.  The sky was blue, the air was warm.

We decided to go to the zoo.  We means me, my wife, Isabel and our friend  Bill, because Sam got invited to his friend’s family cottage for the weekend.  Sam and Robert have been inseparable this summer. 

Stromovka Park

Stromovka Park

They are moving to Austria next week and that will be a big change in Sam’s life, but he’s in a new school this year and will meet lots of new people.

We got kind of  a late start, I had to do a proofreading, Helena and Bill had a couple of projects they were working on, so we had three computers going at once, the flat was an office and Isabel was happily watching cartoons.

Helena and Isabel have their own bikes, and we can only get one at a time on the  borrow-a-bike program, so the plan was that I would meet them there.  Had a beautiful walk through Stromovka Park except it seems to me that it gets more crowded every year.  Not just Stromovka, but every park.  Actually, everywhere.

Of course, the world population is increasing all the time, but it seems to me that it’s actually visible, perceptible, and I’m not sure if it really is or if it’s just age and paranoia.

I was reading the other day about a traffic jam in China that’s hundreds of miles long and has been going on for days – more than a week.

So, while I was walking through the park I wrote a poem about overpopulation, which I won’t burden you with here, and  came up with good starting lines for a couple of others, so it was a productive day in that sense.

By the time we got to the zoo it was 5 o’clock.  The zoo closes at 6 and they still wanted to charge us the full amount, so we said screw that.  We bought ice cream to appease Isabel, who was not pleased with the cancellation, walked around the grounds of Troja Palace a bit,  then Bill went home and I rode back with my girls.

We watched some kayakers, saw a lot of people fishing in the river, and stopped at two playgrounds.  It was a beautiful day. 

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