It’s Just Another Day

Went bowling this afternoon and on my very first roll I did something which I thought only happened in movies.  After releasing the ball, I tripped and went down face first, well down the lane.  The kids had a good laugh.  No adults actually saw the incident.  (outside of that, it was a pretty good throw)

Had my first class with my 7th graders today.  I had a lot of them last year and there’s one thing I thought would change over the summer, but it didn’t.  Despite spitting on fans and having his bodyguards kick people in the head for standing too close to him, the girls are all still Beliebers.

Hopefully, this is the last picture of Anthony Weiner that will ever appear on this blog

Hopefully, this is the last picture of Anthony Weiner that will ever appear on this blog

I am very pleased with the results of the mayoral election in New York.  I don’t know if DeBlasio will avoid a runoff or not and I’m not even sure if that’s a good thing or not, but the main thing is, Anthony Weiner is through.  Like totally, forever, through.  His political career is dead, shredded, never to be revived.  We will not have Anthony Weiner to kick around any more.  He can go ahead and send as many pictures of his nasty bits to young girls as he likes.

Oh, we may hear from him again, in the way that Palin and Bachmann periodically make the news with an outrageous statement, but that’s it.

Also, Eliot Spitzer went down to defeat and I’m even more pleased about that, because, unlike Weiner, it was not a foregone conclusion.  A lot of people liked his politics enough to overlook the fact that he slept with hookers.  I would be willing to overlook the fact that he slept with hookers, too, I’ve got no objection to the practice, but…at the same time he was sleeping with hookers, he was cracking down on prostitution and making a big show of it.  So, hypocritical scumbag.  Screwed the girls and then turned around and screwed the girls.  Piece of shit.  Glad he’s gone.

Yeah, it’s September 11th.  Unless we’re talking about re-opening the investigation, I’m not really interested in talking about it at all.  It may well be the most shamelessly exploited incident in history, ever.

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