
I stand when I feel like standing

I sit when I want to sit

I eat whatever I want to and

I shit when I need to shit


This was in response to a BBC article, which got reposted on my facebook page for some reason that I don’t really comprehend, about how standing is much healthier than sitting.  I think they’re leaving out rather a lot of factors, there.  Such as standing up when the people behind you are shouting at you to sit down might be, in some situations, extremely injurious to your short term health and, whether or not the extra calories burned are worth the fallen arches and aching feet.

Yes, Hemingway wrote while standing, but I'm not about to take life advice from a guy who killed himself

Yes, Hemingway wrote while standing, but I’m not about to take life advice from a guy who killed himself

But I don’t care to argue the merits of standing vs. sitting.  Obviously, everybody is going to do a great deal of both in their life and I think the argument over what is precisely the right percentage for you must be solved by the age old logic of “Do whatever you feel like, you’re eventually going to die anyway.”

I also generally avoid articles telling me what I should or shouldn’t eat, or drink, or wear, or how many hours a day I should sleep and whether or not it should be all at once, and whether or not a man should sit down to pee, and pretty much any article that suggests that by changing my behavior I will be healthier/happier/more successful.

There are more interesting questions to ponder in life:  Free will vs. predetermination, steady state universe vs. big bang, God vs. no God, are we alone in the universe, rhyming poetry vs. free verse, is Woody Allen a great director, capitalism vs. socialism, are we our brother’s keeper, can a film ever improve on a book, how is social media affecting the way we relate to each other as human beings, is phone sex cheating, what is the secret of humor, is beauty always in the eye of the beholder or is there some actual criteria which defines some art as great and some as throwing paint, and if the human race were to go extinct, would anybody miss us?

Stand up or sit down is the kind of question you can just turn your mind off and let your body answer.

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