A Link to Rhett and Link

One thing leads to another thing  leads to another thing in this tangled maze we call the internet; if  it was a literal global village everybody would just be walking around it lost all the time because every street would branch off in a dozen different directions.

Rhett and LInk

Rhett and LInk

I had a few minutes to kill this morning so I decided to go to YouTube and see if there were any new Epic Rap Battles of History up, because I love those, it’s the nerd in me, I love the combination of rap, with it’s rhythms and fast rhymes (now how many other words do you know that start with rhy? There’s proof right there that there is an important, deep in the mists of time connection between the  two of them that can never be broken), and I love historical and pop culture trivia,  so absolutely nothing amuses me so much as Christopher Columbus telling William Shatner he’s going to stick a flag up his ass and claim him for Spain.

Well, there weren’t, but I found these two guys instead, doing a Nerd vs. Geek rap battle and I thought, that’s probably going to be lame fanboy shit because I’ve seen  quite a few of those, and they did totally rip off the ERB style but damn, they did it well, and so all day I’ve been watching other videos of theirs, Squirrel Rights, the Guacamole Story, the Furniture Store Ad, and others, but this one I’m linking to, the Barbecue Song, I’m linking to for a reason, and that is this:

All too often, when I get started talking about politics, I tend to go off on the South, about what a bunch of fucking ignorant, asshole, racist rednecks they are, and it’s an easy assumption to make because most of the representatives they send to congress are stupid, crooked or both, and about half the time when you hear of some particularly dumb criminal shooting their dick off because they were trying to scratch their balls with a loaded gun in their hand, they’re from the South.

Then, you hear this, and you’re reminded of a couple of things.  1. Southern cooking is delicious. 2.  The South is way over-represented in American music.  Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Buddy Holly were all southern boys.  Bottom line, there would be no rock ‘n roll without the South.  Also Jazz, Country, the Blues and Gospel have their roots in that God-forsaken land.  The B-52s and the Allman Brothers hail from Georgia, and Tina Turner is from Tennessee. (how’s that for alliteration?)  Britney Spears is from Mississippi, and southern Mississippi at that.

But that’s all beside the point.  These guys are really funny.  Enjoy.

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