Too Damn Hot and Nothing Ever Changes

I don’t have much to write about tonight, it was an ordinary day and that’s O.K., politically, I won’t change any minds, no matter what monstrosities I find.

A teabagger in Kentucky, an elected public official, said (I paraphrase, I’m not going to look up the quote) “Of course, all of us academics agree that Mars is the same temperature as Earth, so therefore global warming is a hoax and we can burn all the coal we like.”  There is so much stupidity packed into that one statement that it would sink a boat.  Nonetheless, I am certain no right winger will hear it and say “Gee, maybe the liberals are right, maybe the people we keep electing really ARE stupid.”

Kaizlovy Sady, where many of my poems have been written

Kaizlovy Sady, where many of my poems have been written

So, I’ll just tell you about my day.

It was brutally hot, right up until the sky broke open and the rain poured down, complete with hail, but that stopped and then it was hot again.

Went to the post office in the morning, we walked there, took about 20 minutes, and it was a very rare experience.  There was nobody there at all, no line.  We took a number and it popped up on the screen and we were served.  The package we were there to pick up was, as I expected, a delivery of my books from Create Space.  I am particularly happy about Pink Snow, the cover is beautiful, thanks to Daniela Safrankova.

Picking up the books and just scanning through them, as I do, I was embarrassed to find an actual error in a poem written many years ago (before I was married), which has existed, undetected, all this time, which sort of shows how many readers I don’t have but, to be fair, few people would have noticed it (the word ‘I’ should have been at the beginning of a line.  It still makes sense, but it throws the meter off.)  I like reading my old poems.  I am a very appreciative audience.

Stopped at a playground on the way back, in Kaizlovy Sady, which the kids were calling Hajzlovy Sady and thinking they were really funny.  I yelled at them a little bit, but on the other hand, it was a pretty good pun.  Also, not my language, so my authority in the matter is limited.

Bummer about Brazil.  Congrats to Germany.

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