
One of the reasons I started writing a blog is that I am an opinionated individual.  Any news article I read, I have an opinion on it.  But blogging revealed some surprising things to myself about myself.  I frequently have contradictory opinions.

Like on this little stunt.  My immediate feeling was that it was like something out of Jackass.  Maybe this was a fairly controlled experiment, but should it catch on, become a fad, somebody’s going to get hurt.

But still, it’s original, and kind of cool.  I couldn’t help but call Sam over to show him the video, before telling him he should never do anything like that.  So I’m not just a contradictory blogger, I am also sending confusing, mixed signals to my kids.

Then I got into a facebook discussion about it and, after a few comments on helmets, the talk turned to other possible applications, like instead of trams why don’t we just have a constant stream of pallets, jump on, jump off, no waiting, and clean, fresh air and sunshine instead instead of being cooped up with a large crowd of people, besides which, it would be a lot of fun.

But, never getting a seat would be a drag after a while, so maybe you could put seats on those pallets.  Still, you need a means of propulsion, so maybe pedals.  It would be good exercise, and a pleasant and unique way to get from point A to point B, and original, so fun for tourists, at least on sunny days.  In the summer.  Or in more southerly climates.

I suppose you could enclose them somehow, for the winter, and have a continuous stream of comfortable little cabins, but that starts to add in a lot of stuff that’s not just a pallet with some wheels screwed to the bottom.  Might as well just take the tram.

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