The Role of Sports in America

Just had a friend over this afternoon and he was talking to Sam because they have a common interest, which is sports.  Sam has always taken great pride in knowing the names of all the teams, and all the players, and their colors, and the name of their stadium,   since he was about 4.  I can’t exactly see the appeal in that.rowdy fans

My friend is a big Cleveland Cavaliers fan, being from Cleveland.

Anyway, while we were chatting away I came to a sudden realization, a Satori, a burst of insight, a revelation if you wish, and it has to do with the role of sports in society.

I agree that they are important.  I don’t like sports much myself, but other people seem to enjoy them a lot.  Why?

It’s not because they build character and teach teamwork, and sacrifice, and ethical behavior.  Because, obviously, they don’t.  The higher a level of athlete, the more likely they are to be indulging in some kind of shenanigans, either the illegal or the should damned well be illegal variety.  They drink, they gamble, they beat their wives.

It’s not  because they contribute to the economy.  Especially since the NFL is operated tax free, like  a church.

It’s not because they are such a great benefit to the local community.  The world only needs so many little league coaches.

It’s not because of tradition.  That’s nonsense.

The main reason that sports are important in our society is because if all these people were not in the stadiums, they would be hanging out somewhere else, beating the shit out of each other , bothering passers by, and littering.

Give them the sports, I say.


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2 responses to “The Role of Sports in America

  1. dw

    Oh, they wood, wood they?

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