The Impending Demise of Christianity

Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen is probably not the country’s greatest expert on constitutional law.
In addition to being flagrantly unconstitutional, it’s not very well thought out.
Which church? Does the Church of Satan count? How about Pastafarianism? What does Senator Allen think about Jews, Muslims and Hindus? (my guess is she hasn’t really thought about them much at all)
Also, has she considered what church would be like with a bunch of forced attendees? Apparently, she has never taught school. People would be talking, and snickering, and even heckling during the mass. They’d be writing dirty limericks in the hymnals, smoking dope in the parking lot, making out in the pews. We godless folk are, by definition, irreverent.
It does seem to me that Christians are getting loonier and loonier all the time and I have a theory about why that is: social media.
It is changing so many things in our lives. Social media allows us to speak freely, to say whatever we think. Therefore, atheists who would never bring it up in real life because we don’t want the Christians talking our ears off from now until forever with their unbelievably stupid rationalizations for the obvious contradictions in their belief system are now free to say what we think, and we have found a lot of people who think exactly the same way. As the numbers of atheists grow, the numbers of Christians shrink.
Christians are nervous. They realize that some of their own people, their own children, might slip from their grasp and they are not getting enough converts to replenish their numbers. They know, if they have read their history, that they only have the numbers they do because there have been long periods of time when not attending the church, not being a Christian, could get you killed and in fairly gruesome ways. They don’t have that kind of sway any more and they are afraid their religion will go extinct.
That will be great news for humanity, but I understand why they are nervous.
In addition to being flagrantly unconstitutional, it’s not very well thought out.
Which church? Does the Church of Satan count? How about Pastafarianism? What does Senator Allen think about Jews, Muslims and Hindus? (my guess is she hasn’t really thought about them much at all)
Also, has she considered what church would be like with a bunch of forced attendees? Apparently, she has never taught school. People would be talking, and snickering, and even heckling during the mass. They’d be writing dirty limericks in the hymnals, smoking dope in the parking lot, making out in the pews. We godless folk are, by definition, irreverent.
It does seem to me that Christians are getting loonier and loonier all the time and I have a theory about why that is: social media.
It is changing so many things in our lives. Social media allows us to speak freely, to say whatever we think. Therefore, atheists who would never bring it up in real life because we don’t want the Christians talking our ears off from now until forever with their unbelievably stupid rationalizations for the obvious contradictions in their belief system are now free to say what we think, and we have found a lot of people who think exactly the same way. As the numbers of atheists grow, the numbers of Christians shrink.
Christians are nervous. They realize that some of their own people, their own children, might slip from their grasp and they are not getting enough converts to replenish their numbers. They know, if they have read their history, that they only have the numbers they do because there have been long periods of time when not attending the church, not being a Christian, could get you killed and in fairly gruesome ways. They don’t have that kind of sway any more and they are afraid their religion will go extinct.
That will be great news for humanity, but I understand why they are nervous.

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