Tarot Again

It being the middle of summer, the season of school being out, I’ve got a hell of a lot of time on my hands and less than a steady income coming in.  Proofreadings are occasional and sales of books have not yet reached Stephen King proportions, I have been casting around for some project which could ameliorate this situation.tarot

Starting Monday, August 3rd, I will be the Tarot Reader in Residence at Marie Brozova’s art Gallery, which is in a little pasaž not far from Old Town  Square, I’ll announce with the actual address closer to the day.

I love reading Tarot Cards.  It is a way of getting into  the lives of people whose lives you are not part of at all.  It gives one license to be a psychic peeping tom.  Right or wrong, the reading is going to tell you something about their lives.  If you guess correctly that  they had a recent break up and are looking for a new love, they will deluge you with  questions about the road ahead and, as long as you keep your answers a bit vague and generally upbeat, they will be thrilled.  You can say anything you want about the future.  If it’s bad, they’ll forget it, if it’s good, they’ll probably forget it, too.  People have short memories.

On the other hand, if they say “No, I’ve been happily married for 10 years, there’s no possibility of a breakup at all,” then you know that they have been happily married for 10 years.  Without Tarot, it can take a long time to get that much information.

It’s not magic.  It works for some, because it’s a bit like therapy, if they give you lots of information about themselves, you can give them some advice for the future which, inspired or not, is relatively objective.

I haven’t been doing it much lately, not even among friends and family, and I’m looking forward to getting back into it.

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