A Good Week for Hillary Clinton…..and Bernie Sanders

It certainly has been a good week for Hillary Clinton.  First, Joe Biden announced he’s not running.  CNN, and other mainstream sources, were all gushing about how this was good news for Hillary Clinton, as if Bernie Sanders was not even in the race.  Obviously, it’s as good for Sanders as it is for Clinton.  Add Biden into the mix, and the probability of either one of them getting the nomination drops, instantly, from 50% to 33%.hillz

Then, her appearance in front of the Ben Ghazi committee, which is getting absolutely rave reviews.

I haven’t watched any of it yet, but that’s on the agenda for this weekend.  It’s always nice to see somebody make Republicans look like idiots, but it’s not really a challenge.

The thing I can’t quite figure out is why now, how was this Ben Ghazi hearing different from all previous Ben Ghazi hearings?

Possibly it’s because it’s the first one since multiple Republicans have more or less confessed (on the witness stand, they could just say that’s not  what they meant, but it was what they  meant) that the whole thing was a political tool, and they know perfectly well Hillz didn’t do anyhing wrong.  Possibly it’s the heightened drama of the Presidential election.  Possibly, it was a fortuitous combination of questions and answers.  Possibly, it was television.

Probably a bit of all that.

Then, today, Lincoln Chafee dropped out.  Webb’s out, and Biden’s not coming in, so it’s now a 3 person race.  O’Malley has no chance, and I’ll tell you why I think so:  earlier today, I was thinking about the race and suddenly I couldn’t remember his name.  It was like “Well, there’s Bernie, and Hillary, and Molloy, no, that’s not right, Maloney, that’s it, no, that’s not right….” for about 10 minutes.

The way I see it, if I’m forgetting him, other people are, too.

So, it is now a two person race.  That’s good for Hillary.  And Bernie.  One of them will be the nominee.

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One response to “A Good Week for Hillary Clinton…..and Bernie Sanders

  1. DW

    I think Biden not getting in is a bigger boost for Bernie. Those who wanted Biden in wanted an alternative to Hillary, Bernie’s fans know who they want.

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