
In real life I am generally a non-confrontational person.  I don’t go around arguing politics with everybody.  This is normal human behavior, I think, and I try to be a normal human being in public, at least.

But, on the Internet I allow myself to be more argumentative.  The way I see it, that’s what it’s for.  Still, I’ve learned to check the sender before saying “You’re a fucking idiot” because I don’t want to offend anybody I know in real life, and often enough that two second consideration is enough for me to cool down, and edit the sentence to read “I believe you are mistaken because….”  Not always, though.
I do have a second line of defense, which is this blog.  When I see a large number of people making comments which I consider ill-informed, I do not need to confront them one-by-one, which would be time consuming and counter-productive.
So, this morning I saw a comment from someone (whose posts I generally like.  She’s a great photographer and writes about travel a lot.) saying that she was leaning toward Kamala Harris because of something Harris said during the Barr hearing.
Of course, I responded by listing a couple of horrible things Kamala Harris has done, but it’s an incomplete list because who has time, and anyway it’s futile because I’m sure she’s been informed of those things already.
But, it’s very symptomatic of a bigger problem.  People who are still undecided (and often there are undecideds right up until election day), and people who vote for superficial reasons.  They are, of course, the vast majority.  Probably 80-90% of the American people are more concerned with other things than politics, and spend a far greater percentage of their time talking about cats, or coffee, or travel, or music, or sharing family reminiscences with complete strangers.
I don’t know how to reach them.  I guess this blog is more of a question than an answer.

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One response to “Restraint

  1. John Gregory Roundtree

    “Probably 80-90% of the American people are more concerned with other things than politics, and spend a far greater percentage of their time talking about cats, or coffee, or travel, or music, or sharing family reminiscences with complete strangers.” The Judicial System and the outlook of Americans is in a upheaval and no end is in sight because of 45!

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