Day Two

After kind of a frantic morning (I couldn’t find my glasses  after we’d already packed up and were on the road, so we took a sight seeing tour of Zagreb to try and find a drugstore) and a long drive, we have arrived in  Mostar.  In contrast to last night’s experience, our room here has a door that is easy to lock, and a hostess who was here to meet us and give us some hints on what to see in town, and she lives downstairs.
I’m not going to dwell  on that.  I’m actually keeping a separate travel diary, which may be something to pass the time in the car, or I  may try and write it up later, I don’t know.
Anyway, by the time  we checked in and started out to get some dinner, it was starting to get dark, so we will do more sight seeing tomorrow.  That, plus there are some waterfalls near hear so we’ll get in some swimming and hiking.

There was a wide choice of eateries, and we settled for some cevabcice, pronounce che-vab-chee-tzee, which are small, beef, sausages.  They were delicious, the price was reasonable, the waiter was friendly, and it was in all respects a  different experience  from last night.
One thing I didn’t realize about Mostar before I arrived here is the significant Muslim presence.  There are several mosques and you can  hear them belting out the call  to  prayer at regular intervals.  On the other hand, it’s the kind of southern European town where hirsute and overweight gentlemen of middle age obviously feel very comfortable walking around shirtless, and there are plenty of young couples out wandering about together, dressed to party.
So, East meets West.

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